How to Set Chrome Default Browser in Windows 11?
It was easy in Windows 10 to set Chrome default browser but in Windows 11 changing the default apps is a bit tricky. Microsoft just confusing the Windows 11 users or want to make it difficult to use the Google chrome. I’m sure making a separate option for opening deferent file format is a way of forcing users to use the Edge browser. Anyway the Edge browser is supper fast in Windows 11 and I really like it…

Set Chrome Default Browser in Windows 11
Let’s set chrome Default browser in Windows 11.
- Search “default Apps” in Windows search box, by pressing Windows button.
- Once the Default apps page opened, scroll down to find the Google Chrome.
3. Click on Google Chrome and then click the HTTP or HTTPs and chose Google Chrome. Once you done, just close the default apps page.

Now, your default web browser is Google chrome. Remember you only changed the default web browser but there are some file extension such as htm, html, pdf, svg, shtml, xht, xhtml, and ftp are still using Microsoft Edge when you open them.
Related article: 3 Ways To Upgrade To Windows 11 From Any Windows 10 PCs
The HTTP is (Hypertext Transfer Protocol). HTTP offers set of rules and standards which govern how any information can be transmitted on the WWW (World Wide Web). It provides standard rules for web browsers and servers to communicate. The HTTPS is the combination of HTTPS+TLS (Transport Layer Security) the successor to Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)], the standard security technology that establishes an encrypted connection between a web server and the client web browser.