How to Create a Manipulation Design inside Photoshop?
Before I had created manipulation design, but today again I will take a trip inside Photoshop to create another manipulation design, but before starting you need to download the needed files, click here to download them. In this lesson of Photoshop Tips you and I will take a small trip around Pen Tool, Brush tool with settings, Burn Tool with settings, Blur, color lookup and some other features of Photoshop, so let’s get started.
Create Manipulation Design
1. After downloading the needed files lunch adobe Photoshop, and navigate to file menu select Open, and then open 01-Home image.
2. When you opened home image inside Photoshop select Pen tool from tools section and then remove the areas like screenshot.
Note: With pen tool selected take out the house from background.

3. When your selection has completed with Pen tool, in order to change Path into selection, right click on the path and select make selection, don’t give feather or any other settings. After selection go to layer panel create a layer mask on the image to hide the background.
Note: If it’s difficult to cut the home from background, I inserted the cut Image too in files.

4. In this step again navigate to File-Open and this time open the 02-Background Image inside Photoshop, in order to drag it to the Project navigate to layer and then duplicate layer change the destination to the Project.
5: Drag the home layer above the background layer. Create a new layer by pressing Ctrl+ Shift+ N and rename it Shadow. Press B to select Brush, its size must be 50 pixels, 50% Opacity and 50% flow. With Black color selected draw on the layer to Remove the down sides of the home image to look natural.

6: Select Burn Tool from tools section when these settings like screenshot, when you select make darken those places which seems light.

7: Again Press Ctrl+ Shift+ N to create a new layer and rename it Light. Press B to select Brush tool and then with color selected draw something like screenshot. The settings must the same as we did for shadow layer.

8: When you draw something like that decrease the layer’s opacity to 25% and the result will be like screenshot.

9: In this step what do we need is to create some sky with different colors. In order to do this, create a new layer by pressing Ctrl+ Shift + N and rename it Rainbow. Draw something like screenshot.

10: When you draw rainbow decrease layer’s opacity to 10 or 5% and your project will look like screenshot.

11: Go to background Image Press Ctrl+ J to duplicate the background layer and then navigate to Filter- Blur- Gaussian Blur and put its amount to 13. After applying blur decrease the layer opacity to 70%.
12: For this Step open Ghulam Abbas Image in Photoshop, cut it also with pen tool, convert it to smart object and replace to the corner of the image. Change its blend Mode form normal to Soft light.

13: For the last step navigate to layer menu- Adjustments and then select color lookup, from color lookup section select Fuji Reala 5000 Kodak.

With some more editing you can create your project like this too.

I Hope you have learned something from this project, your feedback will make my articles better.