Download Facebook Video without any Software
Download Facebook video always is not easy. Specially when you don’t have installed any file downloader on your computer. Sometime the video downloader are not able to grab the download link of a video. If you are using Internet Download manager, you must install IDM browser integration tools to get the video’s link. If you don’t know how to integrate IDM with browser, read this “How to Integrate IDM with Browser and Fix Problems” article.
How to Download Facebook Video?
So try to test this tips for grabbing the Facebook videos link and download it. In order to download a video, simply change the current video page to mobile mode. The mobile mode means, add “m” instead of “www” to the video link. just see the below screenshot.

The original link is with “www” instead of “m”. So this is the mobile mode’s of a video page on Facebook website which originally designed for mobile and tablet devices. Now click the play button and try to play the video and then you can right click video and Save video as..., downloading will start for saving video to the computer.

Download Facebook video with some file donwloader, like IDM or FlashGet software. The file downloader will help you to download fast while downloading with internet browsers are slow.
OK, the problems of downloading videos with computer and mobile are much more. The previous topic we intruduce top best website for online video converters and downloading services. Read this article as well if you want to test other tips. Top Best YouTube Video Downloader Websites.
Hope you find this tips helpful and share the more tips you know. We glad to hear something new. So feel free and comment us.
Great. I used to learn it years ago. Thank you Sir.
Hello Sir. I faced problem. I copied the URL and pasted that in the IDM but it didn’t work.
Once play the video before saving to your computer.
Facebook Video Downloader online
Any one can download facebook videos using this free website it offers videos from facebook in two qualities Low & High quality