Free Business PowerPoint Templates for Winning Presentations
An effective and engaging business PowerPoint templates can present a win-win situation for everyone, especially in business. When you’re in the corporate world or even as a startup, presentations are your primary vehicles for training staff, proposing to clients, reporting to stakeholders, and even securing the necessary funds from investors. This said a boring presentation can make or break you.
As a business owner, executive, entrepreneur or newbie in the business, you need to create detailed and brand-oriented presentations to sell a product, pitch your ideas or just convince a potential client, advertise your products or services, and therefore grow your business. For this purpose, how your presentation looks, in addition to how it is received by your intended audience, can greatly impact the path where your business would go.
This is why many companies spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars on presentation designers and makers. The idea is that professionals are supposed to have everything it takes to churn out appealing, interesting, and impressive presentations that can help further their business goals. However, that is not always the case. Many can tell you horror stories of having onboard third-party providers that clearly have no idea what the business is all about—and sadly, it reflects on the final slideshow. That in itself is a big hassle, on top of exorbitant fees and seemingly inevitable miscommunications and delays.
Take the Hassle Out of Creating Presentations with SlideHunter
But you can avoid all that and more by creating your own presentations using PowerPoint templates. There are thousands of powerful PowerPoint templates available at, which has a diverse selection of business PowerPoint presentations that suit any industry or need.
From free PowerPoint backgrounds and complete presentation themes, SlideHunter has everything you may require for your business and even personal needs. And since you are making it yourself, you have full control of how you want your presentation to look and what message you want it to convey slide after slide.

Make Your Presentations More Powerful with SlideHunter
PowerPoint presentations can only take you so far. It’s what you do with it that can define the success of your presentations at the end of the day. For a novice user, this can be disconcerting, and even advanced users can’t use PowerPoint to its full potential without expending a lot of time that should be spent on something else.
With SlideHunter, you can create powerful, compelling, memorable, and captivating PowerPoint presentations as if you’ve spent a painstaking amount of time on them. And that is the beauty of it. SlideHunter offers a wide array of free PowerPoint backgrounds and presentation templates that are already designed and even organized by experts so that you can use them right away.
These templates don’t just come with specific beautiful designs; they are also made especially for PowerPoint so you can take advantage of the program’s features. There are widescreen and standard sized presentation slides to optimize projection.
Each slideshow template comes with a set of layout options that automatically populates when you open it on PowerPoint and click on New Slide in the Home or Insert menus. This allows you to choose the best layouts to display whatever data or information you have. There are options for you to include lists, tables, charts, graphs, diagrams, comparisons, and captioned images. This allows you to make every slide more interesting, create variety, while still maintain the same uniform theme that will make your whole deck look harmonious.
For those using PowerPoint 2016 or Office 365, users can make the most of many SlideHunter templates as they can take advantage of the Design Ideas feature. However, those who have earlier PowerPoint versions need not worry as they can still enjoy many features that SlideHunter templates have to offer.

Stunning Business PowerPoint Templates for Any Purpose or Audience
The SlideHunter archive offers thousands of PowerPoint templates for you to choose from. Whether you’re looking for a specific design to liven up your presentation, or you have a particular purpose for creating a slideshow, there’s a template for you.
When it comes to business, you may find yourself creating slideshows on a regular basis. From weekly to quarterly reports, logistics planning, market research, sales reports, and the like. Luckily, SlideHunter has templates for all kinds of presentation topics. And that’s not all, there are also templates that are great for company events, such as opening and anniversaries. So with SlideHunter, you can easily whip up professional-quality presentations for any purpose or occasion. For example, for school, there are templates especially designed and preformatted for classes and projects, or even parent-teacher meetings. There are also those that are specific for school subjects ranging from grade school to high school and to college. Both students and teachers can choose from a wide array of templates SlideHunter offers.
Enjoy Mobility and Presentations On-The-Go
Now that new technologies have made it easy for everyone to do things on-the-go using only their mobile devices, many people are not stuck on their desks alone. And you shouldn’t be also. With PowerPoint templates from SlideHunter, you can take advantage of OneDrive, which allows you to upload Office files such as documents, slideshows, and presentations to the cloud and to retrieve them from there anytime you need to.

You can easily download free business PowerPoint templates from and then you can just upload them to your OneDrive account for easy storage and even easier retrieval even if you’re not on your desk or are travelling. This way, you can easily whip up any presentation you may need in half the time and half the effort without even having to get strapped in your desk at work.
Just download the template you need to your device, or even modify it online through the app, and you can easily get started.
To get started with your own presentation right away, go ahead and visit SlideHunter for a wide selection of free PowerPoint templates.