Create Blog Post Feature Images with MS Paint
A post feature image plays the first rule to attract readers and bring traffics to your website. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create blog post feature images using MS Paint with straightforward and easy tips. After following this tutorial, you will be able to create your own eye catching and creative feature image for your blog articles.
MS Paint is here to stay, it will just have a new home soon, in the Windows Store where it will be available for free.
Create Blog Post Feature Images with MS Paint
1. Open MS Paint, go to start menu type paint or press Windows key+R to open Run then write MSPaint without space and hit enter it will open MS Paint for you.

2. After you open MS Paint hold down Shift and left click on the icon of MS Paint to open a new page of Paint, the first page is for opening and selecting the photo and the second page is for final feature image.

3. Select the second page of MS Paint and go to File tab Properties and set the Unit to Pixel, document width 840 and height 420 pixels, this size is standard for feature images.

4. Now switch to the first page of MS Paint to open a picture go to ( File> Open ) or use the Past from option in Clipboard group to open the image you want.

5. Now use the Rectangle selection tool to make a selection around the picture as you want to be in your feature image, then copy it (Ctrl+C) and past it on the second page.

6. After you copy the selected area past it in the second MS Paint page and try to make, it fills the document as you see in the image below.

7. Set the Color 2 orange then pick the Rectangle shape tool from Shape group and draw a shape like the below photo then use Outline = No outline and Fill = Solid color.

8. Use the Color Picker to pick a color from any part of your image then use the Fill tool to fill the color of the orange shape as we drew, and use the Text tool to a title.

Play with the title and make the key word bold and different color to looks better and use best fonts for the title do not use different fonts for one title, hope you enjoy this tutorial if you face any questions regarded to the tutorial feel free to ask in the comment section.