How to Add Watermark to Word 2016?
How to add watermark to the word as text or pictures placed behind the typed text in the word document. Typists can add text watermark as draft or confidential to their documents. There is a watermark gallery in word 2016 you can choose from and there is manner as well to create your own custom watermark, like a logo of the company to use.
If you need to add custom watermarks as an image, graphics, and text behind every document in word 2016, follow this guide to get an impressive look using word 2016 documents.
Add Watermark to Word
The way to follow to get custom watermarks to our documents.
- Click the design tap.

- Click the watermark button in page background group at the right side of the page as it is available after clicking the design button. A chart plops down with a host of predefined watermarks that you can safely duck behind the text on your document’s pages
- Choose a watermark from the long list.

As you see applied watermark to each of the pages in your document.
Three options in page background group. watermark, and page colour and page borders.
Click the watermark button and procedural steps to get propose and one thing should be remembered that we focus on custom watermarks.
A page plops down that consists of two charts, confidential and disclaimers. In the confidential part, all watermarks are applied to every document, no need to customise them.

In the disclaimer chart. four texts contain, more watermarks from, custom watermark, remove the watermark and save a selection to watermark gallery.
If you click custom watermark, printed watermark window appears as three options are in printed watermark window. No watermark, picture watermark, and text watermark. Results appear able to word document by choosing each option.
Add Watermark to MS Word
You can customize the watermark by choosing the Custom Watermark command from the Watermark menu.
Going to the Printed Watermark dialogue box, to create your own watermark text or import a picture such as your company logo and etc.
To rid your document’s pages of the watermark, choose the Remove Watermark command from the Watermark command button menu.
If the watermark doesn’t show up in the printed document, you may need to enable the Print Background Colors and Images settings.