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Web Designing

How to Upgrade NPM in Windows Step by Step?

Every developer uses NPM more than ten times every day. NPM is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. Also, it is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. Besides, most packages require…

How to Make NPM Work 20 Times Faster

As a developer or web designer, we use NPM almost more than 5 times on average per day. Sometimes, it takes a long time to install a package. Even more than 5 minutes or more. Besides, you watch some people on tutorials who install a…

7 Inspiring CSS Frameworks You Don’t Know About

As a web designer, you always look for the best CSS frameworks to build your project. There are many CSS frameworks, but most of them don't have the features that you want. Besides, some of them do not have proper documentation or proper…

Top 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks of all Time

JavaScipt is by far the most popular programming language now. It will definitely rank in 2018. Also, you can almost develop anything with javascript. Web application, mobile, desktop and even work with a database. Besides, it has a large…

7 Best WordPress Theme Markets You Must Know

If you are looking for the best WordPress theme markets, so, there are the 7 best. We know, it's hard to trust and find expert developers. Therefore, we have collected the trusted, and high-quality theme marketplaces for you. Besides, these…

12 Best Gitbub Repositories Every Programmer Must Star

As a programmer, you are visiting Github almost every day. Github is like a sword for developers. Also, you can't make big scale applications without Github. Besides, Github is the home to all open-source projects. So, in this article, we…

Top 7 Collections of CSS Preloader For Web Designer

Almost these days if a website takes more than 5 seconds to load. So we don't want wait or tend to not even waiting for it to open we simply close the page and find something else. That is definitely what designers are taking the time to…

Bootstrap Buttons Complete Guide for Web Developers

Buttons are one of the most useful components that are being used for various purposes like Showing, hiding submitting and much more. Bootstrap 4 includes several types of buttons which each serving its own semantic purpose, with a few…

12 Free CSS Loading Animation for Business Web Design

The usage of pre-loader has become so popular in the past few years among web designer. Nowadays, most SPA or single page applications use a loader. Despite making your website look great, it makes it user-friendly and more appealing. So,…

Top 7 Coding Practice Websites For Web Developers

Practice, practice, and learn to code faster. Join online coding courses for achieving online web development degree or become an expert web developer faster. These steps you need to become a web developer to work from home and earn money…