Laravel 5 is the most popular PHP frameworks nowadays. There is no doubt about it. So, if you want to develop fast, painless, and secure applications with PHP, than Laravel, is the number one choice. Besides, Laravel has a very active community of…
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Laravel Framework
Configure Laravel 5.5 with Bootstrap 4
Finally, Bootstrap 4 has come with a lot of amazing features. Meanwhile, Laravel 5.5 with LTS version has also released. Laravel…
Top 5 Laravel 5 Messaging Packages You Must Know
Laravel is by far the most popular PHP framework in 2017. Developing web applications has never been this much easy. Package in…
How to Query Posts by Different Dates in Laravel 5
Laravel 5 is the most popular PHP Framework. Developing php application is easy, fast and enjoyable with Laravel. In this tutorial…
How to Manage Laravel 5.4 Files Upload
Laravel is by far the most popular PHP Framework. It has significant numbers of active community members plus many updates and…
How to Change Laravel 5 Public Folder to Your Site Name?
We have a few articles about Laravel framework, but we have not shown how to in install and Laravel in production. If you have ever…
How to Add Wysiwyg Editor in Laravel?
A WYSIWYG (pronounced "wiz-ee-wig") editor is one that allows you to see what the end result will look like while the interface or…
How Laravel Elixir Work?
If you are developing application with Laravel, and haven't used Laravel elixir, you are missing a cool feature of this framework.…
How to Share Data to All Views in Laravel 5.2
We have talked about Laravel Framework so many times. It's easy to use, flexible and fast. It's true that, if you do not practice,…
How to Use Faker and Seeds in Laravel 5?
Developing application with Laravel framework has become very easy. If you want to develop any web application, you will definitely…
Laravel 5.2 Basic Routing
Previously, we learned how to install and configure Laravel framework. And now we are going to continue our topic about how Laravel…